Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The Dark Side of Haftar. UN and EU consider sanctions for the Libyan General

Libya media (Afrigate News) reported today that a meeting was held yesterday at the headquarter of the General Command of the Libyan Armed forces in Al-Rajmah between General Khalifa Haftar, Prime Minister of the Transition Government Abdullah Al-Thini, self-suspended member of the Presidential Council Ali Al-Qatrani and the Armed Forces' Chief of Staff Gen. Abdelrazeq Al-Nadhouri.

According to well informed sources close to Al-Thini's entourage in Al-Baidha, the meeting aimed at bringing closer together the positions and views of Prime Minister Al-Thini and the Commander of the Libyan Armed Forces Khalifa Haftar after that last Wednesday the General visited the Russian Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier.

"Al-Thini accused Haftar of a close and long relationship with French Intelligence Services"

Strong differences have emerged recently with regards to the mismanagement and shortfalls of several Government Ministries; the security situation in Sebha and the positions on key regional and international partners.

The meeting highlighted a clear distance between Al-Thini on one side and Haftar on the other side concerning the positions and steps to be taken via-à-vis the UN sponsored Libyan Dialogue, the UN Special Representative Martin Kobler and the relations with Russia and other relevant partners.

The same sources reported that during the meeting Al-Thini accused Haftar of a "close and long relationship with French Intelligence Services", who gave their backing to several attempts to undermine al-Thini role, and with the “new entry” Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, ready to support Haftar "with a large amount of money".

"Haftar had diverted money from the Libyan Army to buy property in Egypt and Jordan"

According local sources speaking under condition of anonymity said that Al-Thini screamed that "Haftar had deliberately stretched out the fighting in Benghazi, had targeted as, had set up a secret department to kill his opponents, had set fire to their homes and stolen their belonginhgs, had diverted money from the Libyan Army to buy property in Egypt and Jordan".

"Al-Thinni has the proofs that can push UN and EU to impose sanctions for Haftar"

The same source close to Al-Thini's entourage said that  the Prime Minister is quite sure that if will reveal the proofs of crimes that Haftar has provoked in Benghazi, UN and EU will consider sanctions for the Libyan General.

Ali Al-Qatrani appeared in the meeting to show "a more conciliatory stance" suggesting a "more diplomatic approach to key European countries".

"Sources  close to Al-Thini's entourage reported that Russian Intelligence will support Haftar with a large amount of money"

According to the same sources in Al-Baidha the the General Command is also "becoming the more and more divided, with few but relevant high ranking officers pushing for an harder position against the UN process and the countries that are clearly aligned with it".

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