Wednesday, March 27, 2019

China’s Plan to Get Shaida Copper Mine in Afghanistan

China have secretly formulated a plan to get all mineral resources of Afghanistan. The last step of chinese business aim is to sign a $4 billion agreement with local authorities for Shaida Copper Mine, located in the western region of Afghanistan in the Adraskan District of the Herat province.

Afghan people and even Parliament were kept in the dark about this agreement.

According to reliable sources a chinese company, Metallurgical Corps of China, that already has the rights to the Mes Aynak copper deposit in Logar, has links with Afghan warlords and is illegally mining in Afghanistan.

This company invests in restive countries and the minerals are illegally transferred to China.

“The last step of chinese business aim is to sign a $4 billion agreement with local authorities for Shaida Copper Mine, in the Adraskan District of the Herat province”

After reports about singing of the agreement have become public, afghan people asked that the chinese company engaged in illegal mining project stop their operations for Shaida Copper Mine, as the Afghan Government has failed to protect public wealth.

Metallurgical Corps of China has run into complications in Afghanistan after the executive leading the $3 billion project to build a open-pit copper mine in Mes Aynak was expelled from the Chinese Communist Party for corruption.

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