Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Libya: what is Mahmud Al-Werfalli really saying to Oun Al-Farjani?

There is more than one leaked phone call version between Mahmud Al-Werfalli, Commander of Saiqa forces, and Oun Al-Farjani, a senior tribal aide to General Khalifa Haftar, circulating on the web.

According to online prominent libyan website Libya Observer Al-Werfalli "used rude and cheeky words...threatening Al-Farjani with dire consequences if their demands were not met, asking him to convey the demands to the General Command". That version of leaked telephone conversation is full of "BEEP", covering some words of Al-Werfalli.

Commenting the leaked audio a lot of users have written about a full version conversation available on some YouTube channels managed by libyan user accounts where is possible to better understand omitted passages and the harsh insults of Al-Werfalli to Al-Farjani (screenshots above).

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