Friday, October 14, 2016

Belgian Intelligence Will Have More Powers

The General Intelligence and Security Service (GISS), known in Dutch as Algemene Dienst Inlichting en Veiligheid (ADIV), the Belgian Military Intelligence service under responsibility of the Minister of National Defense, is going to have more powers abroad.

According Belgian Newspaper De Standaard "military spies are struggling with the problem that they are not allowed to do much outside the Country".

For example when troops find the cell phone of a suicide terrorist during an overseas mission the General Intelligence and Security Service (GISS/ADIV) is not allowed to search through it for information about a terror network, because of that comes under "special procedures".

A change in that will come soon.

De Stantaard reports that "the General Intelligence and Security Service (GISS/ADIV) will be allowed to perform the observation of residences or the opening of mailboxes, through the placement of cameras and locating terrorists, to hacking computers and smartphones, wiretapping of foreign communications that run through data cables as telephony, e-mails, Internet traffic and so on".

The General Intelligence and Security Service (GISS/ADIV) could be considered as the counterpart of the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6). 

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