Friday, September 02, 2016

French Intelligence Agency DGSE to preserve mixed civilian and military character

According to the French blog Secret Defense hosted by daily newspaper L'Opinion, military personnel account for no more than 25% of the French Intelligence Agency (DGSE) staff.

The percentage rises to 37%, if we include the Action Service [the Directorate-General for External Security (DGSE) military Division responsible for planning and performing clandestine operations].

"We do not want to go below that level and will maintain this proportion" sources at the DGSE headquarter explained.

The French Intelligence Agency aims at preserving the service's mixed (civilian and military) character, which is one of its historical specificities.

"The Armed Forces are finding it hard to supply human resources" that the DGSE needs, the blog reported, particularly when this is increasing.

The Agency, which now employs 6,500 people, is expected to reach 7,000 by 2019.

"DGSE aims to preserve mixed civilian and military character"

The DGSE has become a major employer: apart from its Action Service, over 2,200 people were hired between 2008 and 2013, and now "we recruit 500 people per year". "We are a young service, with an average age of 41", sources said.

The entrance examination has been changed, but some difficulties remain, particularly with regard to Arab speakers.

One of the DGSE's major internal challenges relates to "support".

A recent internal seminar on the "Service in 2025" highlighted the need to improve human resources support and management.

"We have somewhat neglected management and infrastructure" the French Intelligence Agency admits.

With regard to human resources and internal organization, the DGSE wants to "reinvigorate research activities, generally referred as "human intelligence" (HUMINT) and to create new links between the "research" and "analysis" branches.

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