Wednesday, March 27, 2019

China’s Plan to Get Shaida Copper Mine in Afghanistan

China have secretly formulated a plan to get all mineral resources of Afghanistan. The last step of chinese business aim is to sign a $4 billion agreement with local authorities for Shaida Copper Mine, located in the western region of Afghanistan in the Adraskan District of the Herat province.

Afghan people and even Parliament were kept in the dark about this agreement.

According to reliable sources a chinese company, Metallurgical Corps of China, that already has the rights to the Mes Aynak copper deposit in Logar, has links with Afghan warlords and is illegally mining in Afghanistan.

This company invests in restive countries and the minerals are illegally transferred to China.

“The last step of chinese business aim is to sign a $4 billion agreement with local authorities for Shaida Copper Mine, in the Adraskan District of the Herat province”

After reports about singing of the agreement have become public, afghan people asked that the chinese company engaged in illegal mining project stop their operations for Shaida Copper Mine, as the Afghan Government has failed to protect public wealth.

Metallurgical Corps of China has run into complications in Afghanistan after the executive leading the $3 billion project to build a open-pit copper mine in Mes Aynak was expelled from the Chinese Communist Party for corruption.

Thursday, November 01, 2018

Sources revealed Involvement of the Belgian State in funding Libyan Militias responsible for Human Smuggling

Well informed sources “close to the secret services” revealed the involvement of the Belgian State in funding Libyan armed militias responsible for human smuggling.

According to Libyan website Al Marsad reporters of Belgian Television Channel RTBF conducted an investigation for weeks to inquire about this issue.

RTFB reporters obtained information from an anonymous source who claimed to have connections with the Intelligence Directorate, confirming Belgium's role in such issue.

The source added that certain aircraft inspected at Belgium's Ostend Airport were found to be carrying weapons prepared for smuggling.

After the murder of Colonel Muammar al-Qadhafi in 2011, Belgian banks frozen Libyan funds but years later has been discovered that the assets.

Profits of these funds were not frozen and between 3 and 5 million euros - BNP Paribas Fortis (€43 million – over R714 million), ING (€376 million), KBC (€869 million) and Euroclear Bank (€12.8 billion) - were withdrawn since 2012 funding networks of trafficking of arms and smuggling of human beings, especially girls from Nigeria that are brought to the country to work in prostitution.

Source has pointed fingers to current Foreign Minister Didier Reynders as "responsible for the Belgian government's decision to release the interests of the frozen funds, but we do not know to whom, how, and why."


Thursday, October 11, 2018

A French renegade intelligence agent sheds a sinister light on DGSI

A policeman working for the French internal intelligence agency, the Direction Générale de la Sécurité Intérieure (DGSI), was arrested at the end of September with the accusation of selling confidential information on the Dark Web.

By using the pseudonym of Horus, the agent was selling personal infos on a platform called ‘Black Hand’: with a price list from €30 to €300, the agent was offering to his customers a series of information ranging from bank coordinates to personal identification data like social security, identity card, registered vehicles, geolocalisation and much more data.

Thanks to his posting at the judicial division of DGSI, Horus had privileged access to the French Ministry of Justice's national platform on wiretapping, together with the databses from the police and Interpol –among his services, he also provided the tracking of mobile phones, turning the essential elements of state security to criminal aims.

The DGSI agent was requesting bitcoin as currency for his transactions, so not to leave any trace of his criminal acts: nevertheless, the internal security services of DSGI managed to get to Horus by discovering the documents he was selling, which he consulted by using his personal code. According to police sources, he was in contact with several members of organized criminal networks, who were eager to get information about any possibile judicial investigation on them, as well as people involved in financial crimes.

The case of Horus sheds a sinister light on how French intelligence services recruit their personnel and control their activities: the renegade agent could have easily sold his precious informations to a terrorist group, something which should not be excluded considering the recent history of failures by the security agencies in preventing Islamist terrorist acts on French soil.


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Libya: what is Mahmud Al-Werfalli really saying to Oun Al-Farjani?

There is more than one leaked phone call version between Mahmud Al-Werfalli, Commander of Saiqa forces, and Oun Al-Farjani, a senior tribal aide to General Khalifa Haftar, circulating on the web.

According to online prominent libyan website Libya Observer Al-Werfalli "used rude and cheeky words...threatening Al-Farjani with dire consequences if their demands were not met, asking him to convey the demands to the General Command". That version of leaked telephone conversation is full of "BEEP", covering some words of Al-Werfalli.

Commenting the leaked audio a lot of users have written about a full version conversation available on some YouTube channels managed by libyan user accounts where is possible to better understand omitted passages and the harsh insults of Al-Werfalli to Al-Farjani (screenshots above).

Thursday, March 09, 2017

Turkish Hacking Group Suspected of taking down the website of Austrian Foreign Ministry

Austrian daily Kronen Zeitung reported speculations about the possible involvement of the Turkish "Lion Soldiers" ("Aslan Neferler") hacking group in taking down the website of the Austrian Foreign Ministry for a short time March 6. The homepage was offline for a few minutes.

Authorities responded quickly also to the threat scenario involving Austrian Airlines flights from the United States to Austria.

According to Kronen Zeitung they received an "unspecified threat" for March 4.

After lengthy security checks, the aircraft from Miami and New York could take off only with considerable delays.

The Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Austria's Domestic Intelligence Agency, is investigating in all direction.

The Turkish "Lion Soldiers" hacking group is strongly suspected of being involved.